Your generosity will provide us with the opportunity to impact numerous lives both locally and internationally.

Some areas we have assisted in include but are not limited to basic needs like food, shelter, clothing, education, funding, safe havens, community and setting up scared support systems.

Some of our goals with the funding we receive are to implement and develop programs, initiatives and events that align with our mission on a regular basis. We want to continue to equip, empower and make a positive impact on the lives of women both near and far.

Another goal is to attain a building of our own where we can facilitate every aspect of our work.

We have the option to sign up for recurring monthly gifts as well.

We have specific areas listed below, but you can also give to our overall cause as well.

We appreciate your generosity.

Please visit the Stories and Initiatives sections to gain more insight on our cause, and to see the work we’ve conducted, as well as the programming and initiatives implemented.


Annual Benefit Brunch

We have conducted various events in our local communities that align with our branches.

This year we will be hosting our second annual benefit brunch. Our theme is self-love.

The main focus with the funding we receive for our benefit brunch is to ensure that we love on the women who have dealt with or who are currently dealing with cancer and alopecia.

We want to remind them of how beautiful, special and worthy they are. We have partnered with local hair stylists like TYX Hair & Hollywood Glam Studios to provide custom wigs.

We would also like to partner with local nail salons to provide some refreshing pampering sessions, a healthy luncheon and ongoing support systems for a select group of women.

In addition to these efforts, we will be utilizing the funding to pour back into our overall cause and mission as well.We also shine light on important issues that we face and struggle silently with as women. The funds will allow us to continue our work by reaching, assisting, edifying and equipping women in our local communities and worldwide with the resources they need to be productive and wholesome leaders in today's society, and throughout their entire lives.


health & wellness Programs

Our commitment to women’s well-being extend beyond the basic provision of services. We are dedicated to creating and establishing comprehensive wellness programs designed to address both the physical and emotional aspects of women's health. These programs are developed with the primary goal of empowering women to lead healthier, more fulfilling lives.


Young Ladies empowerment

In 2023 we have established and launched, “The You are Loved Drive.”

We partnered with the Tirop Foundation and Eldoret Children’s Rescue Center in Kenya.

In February of 2023 we packaged bags of essentials that included but were not limited to feminine products, deodorant, lotion, socks, body wash, nail polish, chap stick, journals & pens, a piece of jewelry, chocolate, and a love note. We sponsored manicures, pedicures and hairdos to chosen young ladies in need. Distributions and activities took place on the 12th. of February in lieu of Valentine’s Day. It was also expressed that Eldoret as well as other Rescue Centers are in need of feminine products for the young ladies.We firmly and wholeheartedly believe that a huge part of leading a well-balanced life, is to ensure that you pour into your mental health and engage in self-care practices as well. We desire for these beautiful individuals to feel loved, special, valued and appreciated.

In addition to these efforts, we will be assisting some young ladies with their fees for primary and secondary (high) school, and providing some other necessities as well.

Your donations would truly touch the lives of numerous children who stand in need. We thank you for your continued support.



Scholarships for Continuing Education:

To establish a scholarship fund to support women who are pursuing furthering their education or professional development. Scholarships will be awarded to women who have overcame adversity, those who are returning to the workforce, or those aspiring to advance their careers. By providing financial support for education and skill-building, this project directly aligns with the mission of enabling women to thrive in all aspects of their lives. It in turn facilitates education and personal growth, ultimately contributing to a more equitable society.

Professional and Developmental Workshops:

To develop a series of professional and developmental workshops focused on enhancing skills such as leadership, communication, entrepreneurship, and financial literacy. These workshops can be offered in partnership with local educational institutions or community organizations. The project will be designed to provide funding for expert facilitators, course materials, and childcare services, making it accessible to women from various backgrounds. By enhancing the professional skills of women, you in turn empower them to excel in their careers, ultimately contributing to a more prosperous society.

Mentorship and Networking Programs:

To create mentorship and networking programs that pair experienced women who are leaders with women seeking guidance and support in their personal and professional lives. This project will include training for mentors, resources for mentees, and events for networking and skill-building. By fostering a supportive community of women who share their knowledge and experience, this will in turn assist with breaking down specific barriers and provide women with the motivation and support required to lead well-balanced and purpose-driven lives.


international outreach

We have conducted drives internationally where we have assisted with building homes, furthering education and setting up and pouring into busisnesses. Our most recent partnership was with our friends in Trinidad at a local Sunday School on September 3rd. They provided stationary and refreshments for 32 children ranging from ages 3-15.
